Designing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in California.
The push for electric is well underway in California and now Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) have been codified for design in California. The 2021 California Building Code Intervening Code Cycle has the new requirements which are now part of the 2019 CBC and required for all projects submitted for plan check.
We are going to give you a breakdown of the requirements here but we are also hosting a webinar specific to EVCSs on October 20th at noon. YOU CAN VIEW THE RECORDING OF THIS WEBINAR HERE ( We will be discussing the new codes as well as giving attendees access to our EVCS design checklist.
The two sections you will need to know for EVCS planning are 11B-228.3.2 which provides scoping for EVCS and 11B-812 which provides the technical requirements. If you have the 2019 CBC Advisory Manual from DSA the scoping requirements can be found on pages 135-136 and the technical requirements can be found on pages 318-322. If you need the advisory manual you can email
#1 - Scoping:
#2 - Technical Requirements:
The technical requirements model the requirements for regular accessible spaces and access aisles so the width, length, ground markings, etc will already be familiar to architects and civil engineers as well as the fact they need to connect to an accessible route. What we’ll discuss next is key differences to consider: sharing with regular accessible spaces, placement of the charging station, and additional signage requirements.
#3 - What to know when a charging space is sharing an access aisle with an accessible space:
11B-812.7 Access aisle. Access aisles shall adjoin an accessible route. Two vehicle spaces or one parking space and one electric vehicle charging space shall be permitted to share a common access aisle. Access aisles shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) wide minimum and shall extend the full required length of the vehicle spaces they serve.
11B-812.7.1 Location. Access aisles at vehicle spaces shall not overlap the vehicular way and may be placed on either side of the vehicle space they serve except for van accessible spaces which shall have access aisles located on the passenger side of the vehicle spaces.
Exception: Where four or fewer total EVCS are provided within a facility, the access aisle for non-angled van accessible spaces may be located on either the driver or passenger side of the vehicle space.
11B-812.7.2 Marking. Access aisles at vehicle spaces shall be marked with a painted borderline around their perimeter. The area within the borderlines shall be marked with hatched lines a maximum of 36 inches (914mm) on center. The color of the borderlines, hatched lines, and letters shall contrast with that of the surface of the access aisle. The blue color required for identification of access aisles for accessible parking shall not be used. Access aisle markings may extend beyond the minimum required length.
Exception: Where one parking space and one electric vehicle charging space share an access aisle, access aisle marking shall comply with Section 11B-502.3.3 and shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-812.7.2.
#4 - What to know when designing the placement of the charging station:
We will look more closely at these requirements during the webinar on Oct 20, 2022.
11B-812.10.4 Location. EV chargers shall be adjacent to, and within the projected width of the vehicle space being served.
1. EV chargers serving more than one EVCS shall be adjacent to, and within the combined projected width of the vehicle spaces being served.
2. For alterations at existing facilities where an accessible route or general circulation path is not provided adjacent to the head end of the vehicle space or access aisle, the EV charger may be located within the projected width of the access aisle 36 inches (914 mm) maximum from the head end of the space.
3. Where the long dimension of a vehicle space is parallel to the vehicular way, the EV charger shall be adjacent to, and 48 inches (1219 mm) maximum from the head end or foot end of the vehicle space or access aisle being served.
#5 - What to know about signage of accessible charging stations:
11B-812.8 Identification signs. EVCS identification signs shall be provided in compliance with Section 11B-812.8.
11B-812.8.1 Four or fewer. Where four or fewer total EVCS are provided, identification with an International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA) and signs identifying van accessible spaces shall not be required.
11B-812.8.2 Five to twenty-five. Where five to twenty-five total EVCS are provided, one van accessible EVCS shall be identified by an ISA complying with Section 11B-703.7.2.1. The required standard accessible EVCS shall not be required to be identified with an ISA.
11B-812.8.3 Twenty-six or more. Where twenty-six or more total EVCS are provided, all required van accessible and all required standard accessible EVCS shall be identified by an ISA complying with Section 11B-703.7.2.1.
11B-812.8.4 Ambulatory. Ambulatory EVCS shall not be required to be identified by an ISA.
11B-812.8.5 Drive-up. Drive-up EVCS shall not be required to be identified by an ISA.
11B-812.8.6 Finish and size. Identification signs shall be reflectorized with a minimum area of 70 square inches (45,161 mm2).
11B-812.8.7 Location. Required identification signs shall be visible from the EVCS it serves. Signs shall be permanently posted either immediately adjacent to the vehicle space or within the projected vehicle space width at the head end of the vehicle space. Signs identifying van accessible vehicle spaces shall contain the designation “van accessible.” Signs shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground surface measured to the bottom of the sign. Signs located within a circulation path shall be 80 inches (2032mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground surface measured to the bottom of the sign. Signs may also be permanently posted on a wall at the interior end of the vehicle space.